How to subtotal Investing accounts from same brokerage house?
On the left side of the Quicken screen I have a side panel open. Under Accounts it shows categories of Banking, Investing, Property and Debt. Under Investing I have several accounts, three of them are from Morgan Stanley. I want to know if I can create a subcategory for Morgan Stanley that would allow me to see the total of all Morgan Stanley holdings and then drill down into the individual Morgan Stanley accounts.
Best Answer
Not in that Account Bar.
In a Portfolio view, you can customize a view to only include the MS accounts, and then you can group that view by Account. The various columns will then be tabulated for each 'group' (account) with the totals for the entire selection also presented.
Not in that Account Bar.
In a Portfolio view, you can customize a view to only include the MS accounts, and then you can group that view by Account. The various columns will then be tabulated for each 'group' (account) with the totals for the entire selection also presented.