Bank of America accounts are not updating.

My Bank of America account is not updating. I've tried updating with One Step Update, and also updating just the individual account. If I go into the bank's website, it ask me to okay sharing the downloads with Quicken and I authorize, go back into Quicken, and try update, it still doesn't work.
suggest calling QUicken Support ; I have had no problems and have multiple accounts at BofA.
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same happening for me - over the last 2 months different BOA accounts randomly don't work - resetting / re-activating sometimes resolves but it just keeps happening. Today it happened to successfully download for all accounts - we'll see about tomorrow,....1
I called customer support and the steps they had me do made the problem worse. I tried restoring to a backup before the problem and that file still has the same issue.
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This just started happening in the last couple of days.1
@Bill S - did you try logging out of Quicken and then back in? I had the same issue earlier this week and this solved it.
edit> preferences> QUicken ID and cloud accounts
Sign in as a difference user.
enter "yes" to log out
then log back in with the same userid and password
run OSU - does it work?