How to get Schedule A report to include Charity details? (Q Mac)

In creating a Schedukle A report, the only Charity payments that are included are those under the simple Category "Charity". All those which are in Charity sub-categories, i.e. "Charity:XXXX" are missed out. How do I get these to appear in that report?
Best Answer
You need to check the sub-categories to make sure they're flagged as tax-related & associated with the correct tax form & line number. You can do that by opening the Categories window from the WIndow menu, right-clicking the category and selecting Edit Category from the pop-up menu.
You need to check the sub-categories to make sure they're flagged as tax-related & associated with the correct tax form & line number. You can do that by opening the Categories window from the WIndow menu, right-clicking the category and selecting Edit Category from the pop-up menu.
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Yes, thank you. I have it now.