If you are still having problems accessing your Guild Mortgage account

TLDR – try updating your password on the Guild Mortgage website
I wondered if maybe I was having a password problem. So I logged into the Guild Mortgage site using my current username and password. The system logged me in with no problems. I went to ACCOUNT INFO > Change Password. It shows the “new” password requirements (my current password DID NOT meet these requirements). I created a NEW password which met the requirements, then I went back to Quicken and tried adding a new account for my Guild mortgage, and GUESS WHAT???? Quicken was able to log in. I then told Quicken to “Link to existing” and it is finally (after months) working again! I think the problem for me (and perhaps many of you) is that Guild changed their password requirements sometime last year BUT for some strange reason they didn’t force us to update our password. So, we could still log into the website, BUT, Quicken could not log in. I am guessing that the users who (through smarts or luck) had a password which already met the requirements, never had any problem.