Citi Credit Card CC-502 error resolution

LMert Member

I have been suffering from connection issues for the past two weeks to Citi credit cards, and it just occurred to me this morning that my issues all started when I was prompted to change my password (by Citi).

I assumed it started because I hadn't updated my password in Quicken yet, however today I tried changing my password again at Citi's website, but I made the password much shorter and simpler. My connection now works and is downloading correctly. I'm not sure if a specific special character (which is accepted by Citi), the overall length, or the combination of both is the root cause, but it appears that Quicken is not able to correctly communicate with Citi if the password is "maxed-out" on character types and length.

For reference, Citi's guidelines are as follows:

Password Guidelines

At least 1 number

At least 1 uppercase letter

At least 1 lowercase letter

Between 8-64 characters

At least 1 special characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - \ / |

Password Restrictions

No Spaces

Different from your User ID

No digital images or icons

No more than 2 consecutive identical characters


  • Ruggles11
    Ruggles11 Member

    Similar for me:

    >Citi was not updating, Quicken flagged error as Citi server unavailable (502?), not a credential error.

    >When I logged into Citi acct via web, I was forced to change my password.

    >To change pw in Quicken, I deactivated/reactivated and then Quicken update worked once only.

    >Since then, Quicken update runs successfully (no reported error), but transactions do not update. Quicken update reports "no new transactions downloaded. no transactions to review", gives the account balance as of the date of today's update attempt, which is incorrect because there are posted transactions at Citi. The account balance is however correct as of date of the last successful Quicken update (a week ago).

    >Deactivate/reactivate does not fix.

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