Can not add new subcategories to any category --> need to delete bogus entry (edit)

The previous discussion with this title has been closed. It appears that the discussion has come to the right solution (at least it worked for me). I would just like to post a succinct summary of the fix here:

If you cannot add a subcategory in Quicken, there is an error in your Quicken file. The error may be fixed in three steps:

(1) In the "File | Validate and Repair" menu item, select and run "Validate file".
(2) Then, use "Tools | Category List" to show a list of all categories.
(3) Next, delete any categories with names like "ACCT_###".

After completing these steps, you should be able to add new subcategories.

My thanks to the people who discovered the fix for this problem, and good luck to the Quicken people who will prevent it from happening (I hope).

This discussion has been closed.