Wealthfront Direct Indexing Does Not Work on Windows Subscription

MarkWeberQuick Quicken Windows Subscription Member
edited July 2023 in Investing (Windows)

My Wealthfront does not import into quicken correctly. It tells me I have over $40,000,000 in Wealthfront…. I do not.

Tried simple and with all the trades, get bogus data each time.

Is this a known problem? Is there a work around?


  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Insufficient information. Valuation is shares times daily value. Which values are off? We can’t know what Wealthfront indexing involves. You’ll have to explain more about the securities, what is right, and what is wrong.

  • MarkWeberQuick
    MarkWeberQuick Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    When I have Quicken log in to WF and pull data it gets the direct indexing data wrong. I have no where near $40 million in Wealthfront.

    Last night I found in WF an option to export data to quicken. I did that and imported that QFX file into Quicken and it got my Wealthfront balance correct. So this is an acceptable workaround. Oops not really.

    When I XRAY just that one Wealthfront account Quicken gets it horrendously wrong, miscatagorizing the municipal bond ETF and calling way too much stuff 'foreign'. I will assume Wealthfront probably has my asset allocation right. I have seen this before, if I take a Schwab target date ETF and XRAY it Quicken calls it nothing close to what the ETF creator has it broken down as. Inaccurate XRAYs would probably be a topic for another ticket. Too bad though I bought quicken for the Xray capability and now I don't trust it.


  • Lemo_TX
    Lemo_TX Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    Same issue, and this has been an issue for a while now. Quicken is showing my Wealthfront balance as $80.9 million, when in reality it is around $200K. It appears that it is pulling in the the total value of each security as the share price. For example I have 444 shares of VTI at a price of $208.36. Wealth is showing a share price of $75,170.64 and a total value of $33,375,764.
  • Lemo_TX
    Lemo_TX Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭
    I spoke with Quicken support and we determined that when you update Quicken outside of market hours, Quicken imports the incorrect share price. You can go the specific security select "More", "Edit Price History", and delete individual rows within the price history where the imported share price is incorrect. That's the workaround. The rep I spoke with is escalating the issue.
  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    It has been suggested (proven?, I’m not so sure) that getting real-time quotes is responsible for that bad pricing after hours. If applicable, you might try turning off the real-time quotes option (Edit / Preferences - Investments) and see if that stops the bad pricing downloads.

  • MarkWeberQuick
    MarkWeberQuick Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    "… It appears that it is pulling in the the total value of each security as the share price. For example I have 444 shares of VTI at a price of $208.36. Wealth is showing a share price of $75,170.64 and a total value of $33,375,764". Good theory, might be onto something, hope someone investigates.

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