SWVXX and Schwab

So, it is not an issue with Quicken - not sure why this issue makes you think Quicken is useless. If you had taken the time to do a search here (magnifying glass icon) for "SWVXX" you would see a lot of topics and a lot of discussion that addresses this issue with is entirely Schwab's, not Quicken's:
I - and others - manually enter Buy transactions and SWVXX appears properly in our portfolio, removing the cash from the cash balance (as it should - but not as Schwab reports: your online cash balance will never match quicken due to Schwab's idiotic treatment of MM funds). If you have dividend reinvestment turned on, you would have to add additional buy transactions every month… one of the reasons I don't have auto reinvestment turned on.
Here are some of my recent transactions for SWVXX from my Quicken Mac Schwab transaction register:
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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Yes, I did a search before posting and found that my issue was not listed. When I enter a transaction to purchase to manually buy SWVXX the position is not reflected in the portfolio section of Quicken. I found the problem, a placeholder transaction was downloaded to remove the same shares from Quicken. I delete the placeholder transaction only to find Quicken has downloaded it again.
So, the I disconnected the connection for now, much as I did for my other account which downloads the wrong TIP share price (unadjusted) continually.
I realize Schwab's data feed isn't perfect but Quicken has the onus on them to implement the data in a way that helps the user, not add extra steps. I've gotten very little technical support from Quicken.
Cheers0 -
That the placeholder downloads again suggests that perhaps (?) when you created your 'buy' you did not click through the process of defining the security to be exactly what Schwab uses so things didn't match. Does the name for SWVXX for your buy transactions appear the same as in my screenshot - and did subsequent dividends match exactly?
Quicken cannot guess what any of the transactions are for the many financial institutions that it deals with. It's interesting that you got placeholders. I never got a single one for any of my accounts, which is why I entered the 'buy' transactions.
If you look at the Account Settings for your affected Schwab account and click the Downloads tab, does it show that you are connecting via "Quicken Connect"? And on the Details tab, does it show that Investment Tracking Method is set to "Detailed (positions and transactions)"?
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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So, I've read all the posts about this issue, and I see this is the most recent. I've tried the fixes suggested (disconnecting and reconnecting accounts, etc) and nothing changes.
I've been entering transactions on SVWXX manually in my brokerage account for a few months, just because I noticed they weren't being picked up by Quicken. Irritating, but it works.
My issue is I sold a fund and with the proceeds bought SWVXX in a DIFFERENT Schwab account, and the manual entry is NOT showing.
Can someone suggest a fix? I'm tearing my hair out.
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To be clear, my SWVXX manual transactions show in one account, an account that's held it for awhile. But not in a different account (both at Schwab).
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Oh, something new. My manual entry negates my cash portion, but the amount does not show up anywhere else in the portfolio, ie there's no SWVXX
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Hi @Kristi Roberts If you open your Securities list (Window > Securities) does "SCHWAB VALUE ADVANTAGE MONEY INV" (sic) show up as an entry similar to the attached screenshot?
The truncated-named entry is what I got after letting Quicken match the SWVXX ticker to the security… and so my buy entries increase a holding of that which shows up in the portfolio view. (Also - I assume if you look at your Account Settings for the affected Schwab account, it shows that your Investment Tracking Method is "Detailed"?)
If you sold a fund in one account and bought SWVXX in another one, then there should simply be a transfer transactions from the first account to the second with the cash transferred… and a Buy transactions of SWVXX in the second account.
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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@MontanaKarl yes, my tracking is detailed. My securities list looks exactly like yours, except it says "money fund" instead of "money inv," but it's the same ticker. I looked and can't find anything that says "inv" for this ticker.
To be clear, I hold SWVXX in a regular brokerage account. I've held SWVXX there for a couple years. I need to create manual entries, but that works.
This problem is in a different Schwab account, my SepIRA. This is the first time I've bought SWVXX in this account. I sold some SCHB, the amount went to cash, I bought SWVXX, entered it manually, and the cash amount disappears. The SWVXX does not show in my portfolio.
Screenshot attached below. Thank you for looking at this!0 -
@MontanaKarl yes, my tracking method is detailed. My securities list looks exactly like yours, except it says "money fund" and not "money inv." Same ticker. I looked but I cannot find "inv" with the same ticker.
To be clear, I own SWVXX in my "regular" Schwab brokerage account. I've owned it for a couple years. I have to make manual entries, but they show up as buys, and everything reconciles.
This SWVXX buy is in my Schwab SepIRA. The first time I've owned it in this account. I sold some SCHB, it went to cash, I bought SWVXX with the proceeds. When I make a manual entry, the cash disappears but does not reappear as SWVXX in my Quicken portfolio.
Appreciate your help. Screenshot attached.0 -
@Kristi Roberts I should have done the full width screenshot of the Securities window… does SWVXX have a green checkmark as in the attached to show that it is currently held in some account?
And, maybe I'm misunderstanding your key point… are you saying that in portfolio view, SWVXX does show in your regular account (like my purchase lots below), but the issue is that it does not show in portfolio view in your SepIRA after entering the same type of manual 'buy' transaction as in your regular account?
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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@MontanaKarl yes, it has the green dot. And yes, it DOES show in the regular account after entering a buy, and does NOT show in the SepIRA account after entering a buy.
UPDATE--it's working. I quit and then reopened the file. I'm really sorry to waste your time, and at the same time, I can't believe that's the answer after I've been pounding my head against the desk.
Thanks so much for your time and answers!!!1 -
@Kristi Roberts Whew! Glad that solved the problem! :-)
Quicken user since 1990, MacBook Pro M2 Max on Sequoia 15.3.1 (and Win 11 under Parallels Desktop)
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@MontanaKarl Nope! The amount went away again. So, I'm back in the same pickle. This is just CRAZY. Do you have any suggestions based on the info above?1