Citi Visa download error CC-800

HalWaddell Quicken Windows Subscription Member

Need fix for Citi Visa download error CC-800.

Citi download having trouble for months now.

Please advise on fix or work around.


  • RRFH
    RRFH Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I have been having the same issue for months now and have reported it numerous times.

  • mof
    mof Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I downloaded all my May 2023 transactions in several times in May. Since then, Quicken gives me same error code. Does anyone at Quicken aware and working on problem? Is it a Citi Visa server issue?

  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Everybody please look in Edit Account Details / Online Services tab for your Citi VISA card.

    If your configuration does not show "Citi Cards" as the financial institution and "Direct Connect" as the connection method then please do this:

    • Deactivate the account.
    • Close Quicken, wait a few seconds and then restart Quicken
    • Use the Tools / Add Account process to reactivate the account. Type in then select Citi Cards from the list. Click the Advanced Options text link at the lower right of the screen. Select Direct Connect.
    • Enter your usual bank logon ID and password when prompted.
    • From the list of accounts found at the bank select the VISA account. Click the Link / Add button, select Link and choose the already existing account register from a small popup list. If you don't do this just right, you'll end up with an unwanted 2nd account register.
  • pbug56
    pbug56 Member ✭✭✭

    This may seem strange, but 1. no deactivate button. 2. I finally got it working again, downloaded 2 months of missing transactions with Citibank - not Citi Cards, and it's Express Web Connect. I think somewhere along the line Citi updated how Quicken connects, at least in the US.

  • RRFH
    RRFH Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    Someone in another post is telling people to NOT use Citibank, but instead use Citi Cards. How strange!

  • pbug56
    pbug56 Member ✭✭✭

    Well, for me, in the US, Citibank worked. And the connect method is different.

  • RRFH
    RRFH Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    I’m in the US, too, and Citibank does not work. I changed my account to Citi Cards today, so we will see tomorrow. My guess is it was a waste of mu time.

  • pbug56
    pbug56 Member ✭✭✭

    Don't laugh, but make sure your login id and password are both correct. But you can easily test this before the overnight. FYI, maybe Quicken has not switched you over to the newer connect method yet - I don't know if everyone goes at the same time or not.

  • Tomas
    Tomas Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

    FWIW, I think I was having the same problem. All my citi accounts same thing CC-502. TRied all the different things people suggested but nothing worked. Today I decided to try to setup again, and for the first time noticed that Quicken for Windows was not taking my 40 character long password (earlier this year Citi increased the sizo of passwords up to 64), QfW only takes the first 32, so I shortened the password to 30 characters and it worked!

  • jeff.schmitz
    jeff.schmitz Member ✭✭✭

    Same issue and I didn't realize it was happening. My last new transaction was June 2, 2023. I've tired deactivating and activating and authorizing on the Citi website. I get the "Citi website is down try back in a few hours" error. Has anyone solved this problem?

  • pbug56
    pbug56 Member ✭✭✭

    What makes it especially difficult is the lack of viable notice and updates when something goes wrong, or for that matter, when it's been fixed.

  • rjrinfla
    rjrinfla Quicken Mac Other Member ✭✭

    Hey folks. This started for me right after I set up multi-factor authentication on my Citi account. Bottom line, Quicken and Citi haven't gotten on the same page about the MFA handshake. Probably Citi's fault because MFA works with other institutions. The only consistent workaround I know of is logging into Citi and temporarily turning off MFA while I download to Quicken. Not my favorite solution, but I try to be as quick about it as possible.

  • pbug56
    pbug56 Member ✭✭✭

    How do you use MFA with Quicken when it works? You've given, typically with most FI's, a userid and password. You don't have the FI ping your phone, or text you, because then it couldn't be automatic.

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