Maturity Dates for Bonds/CD'S

I just ran a report for maturity dates for bonds/CD's and noticed that many of my bonds still show the maturity date even though they were sold before maturity.
Actually, I sold a lot of bonds/CD's before maturity in the past six months, they are hidden in my security view, but no way to hide them in this report.
Any ideas?
That is a known issue also identified in this idea some 5-years ago. If I recall correctly, some have suggested for your situation that you can alter the maturity date for those sold bonds to a date in the past. That will get them eliminated from the report. A kludgy workaround.
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Brilliant idea!!!!!Bravo!!!!!!I just changed the maturity on a few already to 6/9/2023 and they no longer show up on the reports.
Perfect!!!!! Now I just have to go over all the bonds sold, change the dates, and they will be gone forever from the report.
Thank y
Honestly, I would have never thought of that fix in a million years.
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Well, that sure sounded like a good idea until I ran a capital gains report this year for CD's and Bonds sold. I swear, I have over 50
It's just going to be too much work to search each number and change the maturity date .
This could take me a couple days—-LOL
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OH BOY!!!!!!!Just found my answer—-Very Simple
I must have missed "Maturity date" in the register when you customize your view. I just show my current holdings by security type, market value, and maturity date. Perfect! This is what I needed and it's there in front of my face.—-LOL
Now I can see my bonds, CD's, and Treasuries listed in order off Maturity dates.