Zillow - Quicken Zestimate not updating?

Quicken is not updating my Zestimate. It still shows the last time checked and updated, which was in Feb. 2023.
Same here. Logging into Zillow.com shows a $40k difference.0
Zestimate not updating anymore is still a problem. After unchecking "Use Zestimate" on the Account Details, I may have found the reason for the message "Sorry, could not find this property in Zillow" when re-doing "Getting Started".
I tried many ways of inputting the search address and started by just using the street-city-zip without house number or other incomplete data combinations to see resulting lists. The lists always stop at the 10th match. I am sure this is the bug that's causing this problem.
I suggest that the list be allowed to continue to find all possibilities. This way the address being searched will probably show up with some misspelling, number corruption, or the like and can then be corrected either in Quicken or Zillow. Or just maybe allowing searches to run fixes the problem.
Incidentally, on the "Account Details" General tab, the "Use Zestimate by Zillow" box and one other place, the words are displayed "ZestimateЇ¿1/2"
At least we can make progress on this problem.0 -
Yeah, not updating for me either. $50k difference between Quicken and Zillow.com.
BTW, I cannot find "Use Zestimate" anywhere in the account details. Weird that you see it and I don't.
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I think the "Use Zestimate" feature has been eliminated. There's another post that showed a screenshot of the "Account Details" popup box, and I definitely do not have "Use Zestimate" checkbox on mine. I suspect that Quicken quietly deleted the feature for whatever reason.
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"Use Zestimate" is working fine after I logged out of Quicken and then signed in again.
When I went to my property, it asked for my property information, and afterward Zillow was able to find my property and update it's value.