Dividend-paying stocks

agh Member
edited July 2023 in Investing (Mac)

I want to be able to identify which securities pay dividends. Is there a way for me tag the individual stocks or to create a new category and have a stock as a member in two categories?



  • UKR
    UKR SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    There is not a database field which flags a security as paying dividends that I'm aware of.
    If you run an investment transaction report, sorted by security, you can see which of the ones you own have paid dividend in the past.

    Your brokerage might be able to help.

    BTW, have you considered reinvesting dividends? This can be set up for you by your brokerage. Once set up, dividends will automatically be reinvested, buying new shares of the security. Your holdings will be growing with every reinvestment.

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