Can you pay bills through Quicken with Chase Bank?


Years ago, I had a Chase checking account. I was able to enter payments in Quicken and then "One step update" and quicken would pay the bills I entered. Does this capability still exist. Currently, I have to use my banks "bill pay" feature to pay bills, enter the bills in Quicken, and then sync up (with "one step update") after the payments have cleared.

Best Answer

  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    we went thru the same evolution….

    Chase had Direct Connect - which allowed the 2-way sharing of transactions - up/down -
    With the Chase migration away from Direct Connect (like several other banks) to the new Express Web Connect Plus -
    the bill payment feature went away…

    So - yeah - it's back to the manual 2-step process….. go to the Chase online website, use their Bill Payment feature -
    and then also enter it into Quicken - I happen to use Quicken Reminders, and just need the billing amount & date.
    Of course, later, when the payment clears, and the transaction is downloaded, you should see a Quicken "Match" -

    Lastly - there is now an anomoly - in that Chase is using their current Avail Balance (as per their website) to download to Quicken BUT it also includes any Pending Transactions - again - the Chase website shows these exact same numbers, so not really a Quicken problem - but it messes up the Quicken Reconcile -

    QWin - R54.16 - Win10


  • Ps56k2
    Ps56k2 SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2023 Answer ✓

    we went thru the same evolution….

    Chase had Direct Connect - which allowed the 2-way sharing of transactions - up/down -
    With the Chase migration away from Direct Connect (like several other banks) to the new Express Web Connect Plus -
    the bill payment feature went away…

    So - yeah - it's back to the manual 2-step process….. go to the Chase online website, use their Bill Payment feature -
    and then also enter it into Quicken - I happen to use Quicken Reminders, and just need the billing amount & date.
    Of course, later, when the payment clears, and the transaction is downloaded, you should see a Quicken "Match" -

    Lastly - there is now an anomoly - in that Chase is using their current Avail Balance (as per their website) to download to Quicken BUT it also includes any Pending Transactions - again - the Chase website shows these exact same numbers, so not really a Quicken problem - but it messes up the Quicken Reconcile -

    QWin - R54.16 - Win10

  • r.schwartz
    r.schwartz Member ✭✭

    Thank you for clarifying. Over the years, I've made a few mistakes by having to process the payment twice. It's a shame this feature is no longer avaialble.

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