Can you download Quicken QFX files from Bank of America?

I can download transactions from BoA using one step update. My questions is can I download Quicken files and save them somewhere on my computer? If so, how? Can't find any help on BoA web site.
Alternatively, can you capture the download during one step update? If so, how?
Best Answer
If you go into an account's transaction list, don't you see Download?
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
QFX format files are available for download from the BofA website for checking and credit card accounts.
I am not sure those QFX files will provide the same transaction download info if your BofA accounts are using Express Web Connect+ as the download transaction method since EWC+ is an entirely different download technology than QFX.
It might help if you explain why you are trying to look at the downloaded transaction details.
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
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What is the exact name of the BOA name you setup in Quicken - there are over a dozen -
Here are two …. NOTE - one entry does NOT support manual downloading from the BOA online website - and one does.If you look around the BOA website for manual downloading of account transactions - look for a Quicken QFX format -
If downloaded… you can open the QFX file (its just plain text) with Notepad and let us know the Quicken FID number -
<ORG>Chase Bank
<INTU.BID>1089826757 26757 05358 Bank of America - Quicken 1-800-933-6262 ACTIVE
BANKING,CREDIT,ACCOUNTINFO&EXP-WEB-CONNECT06526 06526 05358 Bank of America-All Other States 1-800-792-0808 ACTIVE
It looks like the second of the 2. When looking at account details - general tab I see Bank of America-All Other States and "routing number" of 6526 and it is not the routing number on my checks. On-line services shows: connection method of Express Web Connect+.
Note: telling me to "look around the BOA website for manual downloading of account transactions" is not helpful. As I said in my original post, I did that and tried multiple searches using quicken and qfx and turned up nothing. Web sites for my other financial institutions do (or at least used to) have places where you can download the qfx (or other format) files. The website I am using is:
OK, that is not what I typed. Whatever editor is used for these posts "helpfully" changed what I typed to what you are looking at.
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If you go into an account's transaction list, don't you see Download?
Quicken user since version 2 for DOS, as of 2025 using QWin Premier (US) on Win10 Pro & Win11 Pro on 2 PCs.
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BTW - that 6526 is an internal Quicken ID number for that entry related to BOA … as I listed above -
and is NOT related to your bank routing number.
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So now we have established the OP is using EWC+ with their BofA downloads and both Mr. Squirrel and I have pointed out that QFX files are available to download from the BofA website. But the OP has not indicated why they want to look at contents of a QFX file.
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
Thanks Mr. Squirrel. That's what I was looking for. So obvious I missed it!
Again, thanks
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Some responders asked why I wanted to look at the qfx file. In particular somehow capturing the qfx from the one step update. Well, now I have a reason. (My original reason was simply idle curiosity.)
I have on occasion done one step update, multiple times, and got no downloaded transactions for some accounts even though I knew there were new transactions to be downloaded. Eventually the transactions would appear but it might take a day or 2. Today that happened again with a checking account. (Not with BoA this time but it has happened with BoA.) I then went to the checking account at the financial institution's web site and downloaded the qfx file. The downloaded qfx file did have the transactions including some that were several days old.
Why did this happen? It would be interesting to compare the downloaded qfx file with whatever was transmitted during one step update. There was no indication of failure during one step update.
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Depending on the transaction download method you are using, the QFX file may not be the best comparison.
If your download method is Direct Connect, you should be able to find similar data in the OFX log (Help | Logs | OFX Log). If your download method is EWC or EWC+, the QFX file is unlikely to have similar data. I believe EWC and EWC+ transactions are also written to a log file, but not sure on the log file name. Maybe the Cloud Sync Log?
Quicken user since Q1999. Currently using QW2017.
Questions? Check out the Quicken Windows FAQ list0 -
Correction: BoA also did not have recent transaction in its one step update today. My wife wrote out a check recently that I wasn't aware of. It was in the downloaded qfx file.
It appears that all of my bank accounts are EWC or EWC+ and all my investment accounts are direct connect.
The OFX log is found at Help | Contact Support | Log Files | OFX Log in my version of Quicken. (Quicken Premier). I had been just looking in C:\Users\<me>\AppData\Quicken\Roaming\Log and the OFX log isn't there. It seems that from the OFX log you could extract the qfx file. At least in today's BoA case, the transaction that did not show up during one step update is in the OFX log. Which means that Quicken just did not process it. But it did process it when I imported the qfx file.
That's interesting.
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Just to be clear, when I do one step update, for any banking account, either all the expected transactions appear or none of them do. It is not the case that some transactions appear and some do not.