check pay

Could not set up a bank account for Check Pay
A few more details, maybe a screen image snapshot of what's happening, what error message you get … that would all be extremely helpful.
Also please indicate the release of Quicken you're using (click Help / About Quicken to get the release number, R xx.xx)0 -
I'm using Quicken for Windows, build I originally was just trying to enable Check Pay for my bank account. I received the two micro deposits and was attempting to verify the amounts. I received an error message stating that the server could not be reached (not those exact words). After several days of receiving this message and after reading through some posts on the issue, I attempted to Review and Repair Payment Accounts, but this only disabled the account that I was trying to verify. So I attempted to enable the account, but I received an error message that the account could not be enabled.
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As a first step in troubleshooting this issue, please try this:
• Go to Edit / Preferences / Quicken ID & Cloud Accounts
• Click the "Sign in as a different user" link on the right side.
• Sign out, then sign back in to your Quicken account using your existing Quicken ID.Now try setting up the account again.