Anyone have trouble downloading transactions from Principal?

LeaningTower Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭

I have a small investment account with Principal and all "reinvest" transactions that I download (i.e. reinvest: cap gains, dividends) come through as Interest reinvested. I've called Principal a few times re this issue, and been transferred to their website support dept. They don't understand the issue and claim that it must be a (Quicken) software issue, which they do not support. I've tried explaining that they are the only institution I have this problem with, so it is not likely a Quicken issue. Moreover, they are responsible for complying with Quicken's protocols for coding transactions so they download correctly. Talking with them is like talking to the proverbial brick wall.

Anyone else have this problem with Principal, and have a solution for me? Or a good workaround? For the last several years, the only solution I have is to edit each transaction after accepting it.



  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You've been talking to the right brick wall.
    "Principal Funds", as a brokerage, uses Direct Connect as the transaction download protocol.
    Because of that, AFAIK, it's their IT department's job to generate the correct transaction type for transaction downloads. If they need help with making any changes, their contact at Intuit Inc. as the download service provider should be able to point them in the right direction.

    As to changing your downloaded transactions …
    is it really necessary to change the transaction type or does everything end up in the right bucket when preparing your Federal 1040?

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