Can't Change Financial Institution on Account

My American Express savings account recently changed to start using a new common American Express login instead of a specific login for the savings account. As a result, I can't log in through Quicken. I'm trying to reset my online services for the account in Quicken, but it still shows "American Express FSB" (the old savings account login) as the financial institution and I cannot change it.
I've deactivated online services for the account, but when I click "Set up Now" under Online Services, it jumps immediately to the login screen for the old "American Experss FSB" financial institution. My credentials don't work there. I can't get to the screen to pick a new financial institution and I can't get Quicken to remove the link to that old institution. I've tried all of the steps at the links below and they don't work.
Any advice?
I've tried following all the steps here:
and here:
The only way I have found to correct this issue is to set up a new account and then move the transactions from the old account, and then delete the old account. Before you use the *Move* command, it is best to remove the reconciled status (R) from all transactions by selecting all transactions when you use the *Reconcile Status* command. If you do try this, make a backup of your data file, just in case you need to go back.
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Also, the new FI Name to use for the American Express Savings Account is "American Express - Banking". I have an Amex HYS account, and that is the only FI that seems to work.
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This also worked for me. Thanks for the info!!!
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This worked for me, Thanks!!
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After weeks of searching this is the fix for me too. No thanks to Quicken who said for weeks, "oops, it's not your fault it's ours". Thank you. "American Express - Banking"