One Step Update Freezing

As of the latest Quicken program update Release Version R50.16 Quicken would freeze up after the first account in the list would update. I was able to manually update my accounts manually one by one. I did a re-install of Quicken and still had the same issue. Through the help pages I did the Validate procedure and the program froze on "Checking Stock Splits". I had to close Quicken at that point to get out of it. I then restarted Quicken and still the same issue of freezing on the One Step Update. Because the Validate process froze on "Stock Splits," and I had "Stock Quotes" selected in One Step Update, I wondered if that somehow was the issue. I deselected update Stock Quotes and my financial accounts updated as normal. Afterwards, I went back and reselected Stock Quotes and the One Step Update is now running as it should.
Hope this helps someone.
Thanks, Realdann. You solved my problem! I had been manually updating account by account for about a week due to one step update freezing. The Validate process would stop at "stock splits", so the that didn't work or help. I only track credit card and banking accounts, so not updating stock quotes is not a problem and all my accounts now update again without issue. Thanks again for your post.