Application window rendered incorrectly.

Quicken Windows Subscription Member, Windows Beta Beta

Updated Quicken Deluxe to R51.10 / Build On restart, the application window isn't rendering the pages correctly inside the window - everything is 20% narrower than the window width. Home, Bills, Investing, registers, etc.

I've attached a screenshot of the upper right portion as I didn't want to include my bill reminders, net worth graph, etc. But that is enough to show the Home/BillsDue page and where the full application window border is (by comparing with the title bar) and the layout of the page contents and the fact that it isn't as wide as it should be.

Admittedly, subscription has expired; not sure if that is causing the content to align with the right-hand-side of the reminder message…


  • Quicken Windows Subscription Member, Windows Beta Beta

    And yes, once renewed the application is displayed correctly. See attached.

    Trying to use the program like that was pretty difficult as the usable space was so narrow. I guess the "data" was still mine but was pretty inconvenient to access…

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