Check Payment Not Showing in the Check Register

I made a Check Pay payment through Bill Pay and it doesn't show in the check register and the account balance does not reflect any payment. I know the payment went through because the check has been cashed. While it doesn't show in the check register it is listed under payments made in the Spending tab. This is the first time this has happened as I've made many check payments in the past without this problem.
I did a file verification and it didn't solve the problem.
Any help is appreciated!
Is your checking account register sorted by Date, not filtered to show only selected transactions or a range of dates which excludes this check payment?
In the Spending view's Account column, what's the name of the account register? Is it possible the check payment went into a different account register?0 -
Ahhh, you're right. Somehow the sorting got changed from the date column. Thanks much for the help!! Cheers!