Another great reason for multiple backups

skeleton567 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭✭
edited September 2023 in The Water Cooler

How often do you backup your data and how many copies do you keep? Here's my recent experience.

A friend is a doctoral candidate at a nearby university. He had most of his dissertation data and documents on a 500gb 2.5" USB drive. Unfortunately, the drive failed. He took it to a local electronics store who would require $1100.00 to ATTEMPT a recovery.

My local go-to guys recommended Drive Savers in CA, so I sent the drive to them. They paid upfront the FedEx overnight charges and did a no-charge analysis. Their people replaced the electronics and said the recovery, if successful, would range from $3050.00 to a max of $3500.00. I swallowed VERY hard and told them to proceed.

Couple days later, they determined there was platter damage and the data was not recoverable. They are returning the original drive and the new replacement I had included via FedEx. Now, the amazing part, since their effort was not successful, there was NO CHARGE.

Note: I keep copies of my 37 years of Quicken files containing 80 years of financial history on three independent data devices besides all being loaded into a relational database on my computer.

QW2014, Windows 10 Pro


Faithful Q user since 1986, with historical data beginning in 1943, programmer, database designer and developer for 42 years, general troublemaker on Community.Quicken.Com
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