What can I do if account balance on sidebar does not match Market Value of account?

mhaskins Quicken Mac Subscription Member

I recently upgraded to Quicken for MAC 7.2.1. Apparently, Vanguard no longer supports detailed positions and transactions - only simple ones. OK, fine. However, the account balance displayed in the sidebar no longer matches the account market value. I have double checked that all of the shares and balances listed in Quicken match my online balances but I am not sure what number is being displayed in the sidebar for my Vanguard account! It is the only account doing this. Any ideas out there?


  • Mark1104
    Mark1104 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @mhaskins - right click on the side bar and see if the bar is displacing current or future balance. be sure it's the current balance as that is what should match to the account market value. (I am windows user, but hope the same features are available in MAC).

  • mhaskins
    mhaskins Quicken Mac Subscription Member

    Thanks for the suggestion but it did not work. I have tried disconnecting and reconnecting the account. I have also tried literally deleting the account from Quicken and adding it again but the total displayed in the sidebar does not match the total displayed in my Vanguard online account.

  • Mark1104
    Mark1104 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @mhaskins oh- I thought you meant the discrepancy was within Quicken. Let's try again.

    first, let's be sure you have Quicken set correctly.

    And this is the way the Windows version works, so sorry about that:

    On the Account Details Screen, there should be a checkbox indicating "Simple" or "complex" - you want to be sure that "complex" is checked.

    Now download your transactions and see if the side bar matches the portfolio view - all within Quicken?

    You should be able to go to OnLine Center and then compare Vanguard to Quicken and see where the discrepancies are.

    I have my financial assets at Vanguard and have never had an issue matching what I have in Quicken with what I have at Vanguard.

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