Thank You, Quicken Team

We users gripe a lot - myself included. Felt a short 'thank you' was in order for a change.
As an early adopter, I can attest that it's been a long road for Quicken for Mac. Never-the-less, since Quicken changed hands to new ownership, there has been a consistent commitment to improve the interface, features, and - more importantly - the reliability of the program (e.g. bank interactions). In early years, on occasion, I would entertain switching to a different accounting application. Those temptations are long gone. It's now a reliable and, in my opinion, an indispensable program. I look forward to the future advancements I know you're hard at work on. Thanks Quicken team!
(plugging 'View-Only' setting for Quicken on the Web [aka spouse access], and 'No Bank Updates' setting for Quicken on the Web [just sync existing data w/o connecting to banks]).