Accounts can no longer be accessed with EWC. Getting CC-502 errors, also CC-592

So if you are a long time Quicken users and suddenly your accounts start getting CC-502 errors when using EWC, there isn't any way to fix this using your current Quicken ID login. And as much as Quicken support try to fix this and create internal tickets for you, it will not resolve itself. I think there is something that gets corrupted in the dialogue with the financial institution permanently and it's linked to your QuickenID.
A couple of us have found the sure-fire solution for this: You have to purchase a new Quicken subscription with a new QuickenID and migrate your datafiles over and re-establish connections to each of your Financial banks that use the EWC connection.
TRUST ME ….. hint: when your subscription is about to expire and you purchase another 1 year license … create a brand new account with a new QuickenID.
P.S. Quicken Support will tell you, "It shouldn't matter ….. even if you use a new ID". But that's not the case, it DOES … and it will fix your issue.