Automatic payments category not referencing payment account

physicsguy Quicken Windows Subscription Member

When automatic credit card payments (set up through the credit card companies, not through Quicken bill pay) are downloaded, the category in my checking account register shows up as a transfer to the same checking account (in brackets), and the payment shows up in the credit card account register as a transfer to the same credit card account—so that it's not obvious which checking account (I have several) the payment came from, though the balances are correct in both accounts. If I then manually change the category in either the checking account or the credit card account to cross-reference the other account, it duplicates the transaction in the other account, and then I have to delete the downloaded transaction in the other account.


  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Looks to me as if Quicken can't figure out the correct "other side" of the transfer solely based on the downloaded transaction data, especially if there is a delay and both sides of the transfer arrive on different days.

    For best results manually enter transfer transactions into your register BEFORE you download transactions from the bank which contain the transfer confirmations. For recurring transfers use scheduled reminders and enter them a day or two before the due date.

    Be sure to use distinct Payee Names for each transfer / credit card payment to avoid confusing
    Quicken - memorized payee entries.

    That takes the guesswork out of the transaction download process. Because a correctly entered transfer
    transaction already exists in your account registers, the process should just match the downloaded transfer transaction to the existing one in both accounts.

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