Extra cash in account

cnewms Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

This happens from time to time. In my Vanguard account, Quicken is showing cash that does not exist after I do an exchange in my IRA. This looks like a bug to me. I'm attaching a screen shot. I'll need to do a manual adjustment entry to get rid of this erroneous cash amount.

Vanguard gave me the dividends in the funds I was exchanging and reinvested them in the new fund. Quicken does not make an adjustment in the balance column and thinks I have cash in the account. Please fix.


  • Jon
    Jon Quicken Mac Subscription SuperUser, Mac Beta Beta
    edited August 2023

    Those Reinvest Dividend transactions should be Buy transactions instead.

    A Reinvest Dividend transaction is only used when you reinvest a dividend back into the same security that paid it. In your case, you're using your dividends to purchase a different security than the ones that paid them, so you need to record those as regular purchases instead. Buy transactions will reduce your cash balance back to where it started.

  • cnewms
    cnewms Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    The far right columns are (from left to right) INVEST AMT, AMOUNT, BALANCE. The BALANCE column should be 0.00 at the top but it shows an erroneous cash balance of 520.21. Clearly a bug.

  • cnewms
    cnewms Quicken Mac Subscription Member ✭✭

    Thanks Jon, didn't see your reply until just now.

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