Phantom Deposit with no transaction, Daily total on calendar is the only sign.

As you can see in the pictures. there is no deposit of $6247.54 in the register between the dates of 12/1/2022 and 01/01/2023. However, there is a positive 6247.54 difference in the calendar between the two days. This deposit is not in the register and I'm guessing would be classified as a phantom deposit except for the caveat that there is no line item in the calendar either, just a daily total increase for no reason. The Online Balance and the Ending Balance are correct but the Balance shown under banking on the top left under the account highlighted in blue is positive 6247.54 from the proper balance of 3332.50. Again the phantom deposit does not show up in the register so the register is correct. How do I delete 6247.54 from the calendar for 1/01/2023 if there is no transaction to edit????
[Edited Screenshots to Remove Sensitive Info]
After a quick look at both images, I can only guess …
You've minimized the Filters field at the top of the register. I can't see of there are any filter settings in effect.
Have you verified that the Calendar view really only shows transactions from this one checking account? Or is it possible that a new account was unexpectedly added to the Calendar view, thus impacting the balance?