Wells Fargo...

…is the MOST annoying fin. inst. of the 20-something that I download from. They are the ONLY one that requires me to obtain a two-factor token every. single. time. I. update. I've sent them requests and suggestions for modifying their archaic security policy, you know, like pretty much every other fin. inst. in existence. My requests fall on deaf ears. Perhaps if a hundred of us griped about it then they might consider a change.
Does this happen to everyone or is it just me?
Quicken user since 1991
VP, Ops & Tech in the biometric space
IIRC, you can bypass the issue if you disconnect all WF accounts in Quicken. When done, use Tools / Add Account to reconnect them all, making sure to select "Direct Connect" as the connection method. At some point during the process you will get an error message pointing you to a webpage, to follow an "fmssetup" procedure.
See this discussion for more details (click on the date stamp in the box below to get the full discussion text)
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Thank you. Will give that a go.
Quicken user since 1991
VP, Ops & Tech in the biometric space
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Well, Hallelujah!
Quicken user since 1991
VP, Ops & Tech in the biometric space