Why does One Step Update Summary does not list Direct Connect instituions?

Why does One Step Update Summary does not list Direct Connect instituions?
I believe I have seen references to this, but no resolution. My OSU lists only financial institutions and accounts which are accessed by Express Web Connect. Institutions accessed by Direct Connect are not listed.
Both checkboxes at bottom (Show just last update and show only when errors) are UNchecked.
During the OSU, I can see the DC institutions being processed, including one error which is NOT reported in the OSU Summary. Transactions are downloaded from the DC institutions.
Previous discussions that I found did not come to a solution that I could see or access (because links in the comments are broken) are closed. The unreported error could be a serious problem. (If I wasn't watching the progress, I wouldn't realize there was an error. Not seeing the error message also makes it more difficult to try to correct it. I don't know what's causing it.
QW R51.12
try logging out and logging back in to your QuickenID
Edit>preferences>quickenID>log in as a different user
do it twice - log out and then log in….then run OSU - does that fix it?
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Sorry, no it doesn't fix it.
It did create a temporary problem in having to go through several steps to do the reuthorization on two Capital One credit cards. Now that I have taken care of that, I still run through the whole OSU, seeing all institutions updated with one error, but none of the DC institutions or the error show on OSU Summary.
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Try unchecking "show only when errors" and checking "Show just last update"
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No joy. None of the four combinations of those two boxes shows any DC results.
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Have you tried, first, Reset Account and running an update? If that doesn't work, try Deactivate and Reactivating the account.
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This is not just one account that is missing, more like 10.
I did a reset on a DC account which was experiencing an unreported error. That fixed the error, but the account still does not show in the OSU Summary.