Apparent data corruption again after a few weeks of no problems

skeleton567 Quicken Windows Other Member ✭✭✭✭

File validation report output first:[Tue Sep 05 12:48:55 2023]

File: "C:\Data\Quicken2014Data\RQ2015\RQ2015"

Validating your data.
No errors.

No read errors.

All internal consistency checks passed.

[Tue Sep 05 12:48:58 2023]
Quicken has found 2 stock split(s) for account "Fidelity Skeleton", security "FIDELITY GOVERNMENT CASH RESERVES", on 12/31/2019 that might be missing.
Quicken has found 1 stock split(s) for account "Fidelity Skeleton", security "FIDELITY GOVERNMENT CASH RESERVES", on 02/28/2019 that might be missing.
Quicken has found 1 stock split(s) for account "Fidelity Skeleton", security "FIDELITY GOVERNMENT CASH RESERVES", on 01/31/2019 that might be missing.

The following securities have prices dated in the future (if your clock is set to today's date). This might cause some balances to display unexpected values.
Policy 515581 DIV () 09/08/2023 1
Policy 515581 INT () 09/08/2023 1
You can edit these by going to the Security Detail View (under Investing Tools), selecting the appropriate Security, then the 'Update / Edit Price History' menu.
Validation has completed.


My Quicken is again corrupting it's own data, or at least reporting incorrectly. I noticed a problem in the account list of my current file with
a closed account, Bandag 401k Vanguard,that has been idle with a $0.00 balance since November 2019.
Today it displays a cash balance of $99,251.50 and a market value of $104,092.58.The account in error is Bandag 401k Vanguard which is not listed at all in the validation report.
The problem is that the last two transactions for the account, a sale and a withdrawal, are missing from the transaction 'register'
( which I know does not actually exist ).

When I run a validation, the file is reported as having no errors. A Windows disk validation also reports no errors in the disk structure.

I get the regularly recurring but totally invalid messags regarding missing stock splits again for the Fidelity Government Cash Reserves in a DIFFERENT
account, Fidelity Skeleton, a security that has never in it's history had a stock split, and has never had a share price other that $1.00.

The last two lines for Policy 515581 Div and Int are correct in that they actually have future dates, so not a problem.

It's time for the developers of Quicken to reveal the structure in which our data is stored so we can in turn reveal the source(s) of these failures.As a database designer and DBA for 42 years, I'm pretty sure I could figure this out for them. My evaluation is that there are possibly two problems,
possibly related. The 'missing stock splits' are most likely a logic error, or possibly data truncation in that the number of shares was several thousand.
The missing investment transacitons are possibly data corruption, maybe leaving orphaned records ( since other accounts appear to be OK ).

I began reporting this issue to the original developers years ago, I don't remember but maybe even in earlier versions, and have reported it many times since, all to no avail.No one would ever even acknowledge that there is or was a problem, so I have to assume it still might exist.
So I join those who refuse to upgrade to versions with features I don't want or need and would have to pay for repeatedly via subscriptions.


Faithful Q user since 1986, with historical data beginning in 1943, programmer, database designer and developer for 42 years, general troublemaker on Community.Quicken.Com
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