Unable to download E*trade Investment Accounts after 9/1/2023 Morgan Stanley conversion

Is there a fix to allow me to download my E*trade accounts after 9/1/2023 conversion to Morgan Stanley E*trade. The conversion included a change in account numbers from an 8 digit number to a 9 digit number. I have changed the account number to the 9 digit account but the accounts will still not transfer after the last entry 8/25/2023. I wonder if I must first close the account or select reset after I change the old E*trade account number to the new 9 digit Morgan Stanley number. Any guidance would be appreciated.
Same here - I haven't been able to download since the conversion to Morgan Stanley.
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Of several other discussions on that subject here in the Community, the easiest solution posted appears to be:
First, at the E*Trade website make a note of the new account numbers, e.g.:
brokerage old -1234 new -9876
IRA old -5678 new -6543
You will need this information later (below).Go into Edit Account Details for each of your E*Trade investment accounts, select Online Services and perform a Reset Account.
Alternatively, you can do this:
Deactivate all your E*Trade accounts.
When done, backup your data file, close and restart Quicken.
Now use Tools / Add Account, select Quicken E*Trade as the financial institution as if you wanted to add new accounts to Quicken. Logon with your userID and password. When you get to the screen with the accounts found at the bank, for each account listed select LINK from the Add/Link button. Select the correct account register to link with the bank account making sure to link the new account number correctly to the existing old account register. If you make a mistake, you won't like the results …0 -
I went through the process (several times), and Quicken is still not downloading any transactions that occurred after the migration to Morgan Stanley. The one-step-update seems to run OK, but nothing is downloaded for any E*Trade accounts. I don't get any error message or indication that something went wrong.
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Figured it out. on the left side where the account menu bar is located, Right Click on the e trade account.
Select Edit/Delete Account.
Edit the e*trade account number and change it to the new number; I used no dashes or spaces.
While there, check your financial institution name. While troubleshooting, I ended up disconnecting my financial information, and I had to go establish a new connection, by using "suggested by quicken" as the best connection. Hint: if your password vault also shows no financial institution, you will have to add that information in again. Search for the financial institution with the look up. The financial institution you choose will be the one that has the same web address as your e*trade online account. I also had to add my etrade user name/password in the quicken password vault because I disconnected earlier and go wiped it away.
Hint: If you have more than one etrade account (broker, IRA, etc) but are linked with one user name or password with etrade, each etrade account needs to have the account # updated. You will only have to one user name/password in your password vault.
Once i did this, I am pretty sure I ran the update and it worked. It's possible you may have to close the quicken and reopen it, but i don't think I did. The funny thing is, it said I updated like hundreds of transactions…. it only adds the ones that are new, not existing transactions from your previous work in quicken.
Hopes this helps