Transfer shares between accounts

mwilbur Member ✭✭
edited October 2023 in Investing (Windows)

Getting error "There are not enough shares of this security in the account you are trying to transfer from. Either choose a different account or update the holdings in the transfer from account"

I have 800 shares of the security. Trying to transfer 140 to another account. The security is correctly set up as a stock, not a market index. There are no other stocks with the same ticker symbol. As far as I tell it is just a bug. Anyone have a solution?



  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you select to transfer "All" shares of that security, what number of shares gets filled in?

    Did you confirm that you actually selected the intended security and not some similarly named security?

  • mwilbur
    mwilbur Member ✭✭

    Confirmed it is the same/correct security. It's Apple, so AAPL. Pretty easy to make sure same. When hit "All Shares" nothing gets auto-populated. In the Holdings view everything is correct. In Security View everything is correct.

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    and your doing this from the sending account rather than the receiving account?

    That the ‘All’ selection does not fill in some number of shares is puzzling?

    Can you enter a simple Remove Shares of 140 (or any number) shares? Or Sell shares?

    Another thought — are there any placeholders for those shares? Make sure your Preferences for investments include showing hidden transactions.

  • mwilbur
    mwilbur Member ✭✭

    You can only do the share transfer from the sending account. Yes, I can Remove shares from Sending account and Add in the receiving account. It is an easy work around for this bug.

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