Edit Memorized Transaction

EffieS Quicken Windows Subscription Member

I have a memorized transaction that uses both Deposit & Payment. They were all entered as Merch, I changed the name of the ones that are Payments to Merch Debit. I changed the Merch Debit to "Payment" in the Memorized Payee's and when I go to close the window I get a ! message, "Record this payment transaction using income category?" Option buttons "OK" or "Cancel". I don't want it recorded using income category, I need it to be debit and not list under income on my reports. I can't find where to change this for Merch Debit.
Thank you for any help you can give me!


  • EffieS
    EffieS Quicken Windows Subscription Member

    I needed to change the Category name to change it to debit.

    Thank you anyway.

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