Cleared transactions automatically change to Reconciled


I've been using Quicken for a long time (2007?)! I recently noticed that when I download the transactions from my Credit Union and then go through the process of refining the payee or category, when i click done, the "c" becomes "R". Because i reconcile at the end of the month, i need to go back and manually change all those transactions to cleared. Has something changed or is there a setting i am missing that does not automatically reconcile those transactions, until the end of the month? The manual changing is a real pain.


  • GM
    GM Member ✭✭✭

    I also ran into the issue where Quicken decided to change at least 1 account to "online" reconcile rather than paper reconciliation. I've changed it back to paper twice now. I also had to change a number of "R" to "c".

    I'm not aware of any settings to randomly for this change myself.

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