OSU Slow Downloads

It’s taking almost 5 minutes to download 3 accounts.
I did a Report A Problem to Quicken with this issue.
9-24-23 AM Test at Account Level:
Results doing updates from Account level shows the following:
Credit Union 0.26.00
Citi Cards 2.22.04
Chase 0.20.05
The slowness in this is from Citi Cards using Express Web Connect.
Almost ?
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This slowness issue has been going on for many months now. Many folks have sent Reports and files to Quicken. Still no resolve.
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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It takes me about 20 - 30 seconds to connect and download transactions from 9 or 10 financial institutions and stock quotes. To troubleshoot, I would create a new data file, enter some test accounts, and see if connecting is slow.
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I would do that test as suggested, but do one account at a time…. it could be the financial institution itself that is driving the "slowness".
curious what you find..please post results and the names of the financial insitutions
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@Mark1104 and @RalphC ….. TEST FILES……. been there, done that…. no change in slowness….. @RalphC which 9 financial institution do you have that gives such fast response? How many of them require 2 factor authentication?
ONGOING ALERT…. no update in over a month….
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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If you really did create a new test file and test accounts, and there was no difference in connection speed, then the problem is probably not your data file. I would next start to suspect your installation and/or configuration. I would completely uninstall the Quicken program, and re-install and see if that speeds up your connections. Don't enable (or disable) the mobile web. Make sure that you've allowed Quicken through Controlled Folder Access.
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@RalphC …. been there done that … new instll of Q … no help…. I have jumped thru all the hoop more than once…. I never use mobile web….
You never provided the 9 FI's you say give you 20 to 30 second updates and you never said if any of the FI's require 2 factor authentication…. Please provide…..
AND YOU SAID " If you really did create a new test file and test accounts, and there was no difference in connection speed, then the problem is probably not your data file." READ ALL OF MY POSTS ON THIS SLOWNESS ISSUE… Been posting since at least May…..
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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Well, if you've validated your Quicken installation, the next place to look is Windows. That is way more complicated and time consuming, and something that Quicken Support should handle by logging into your system.
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A bunch of us sent sanitized files and logs already months ago.
Last update on progress by Quicken was 8-9-2023 with the standard default response of :
"This issue remains ongoing and our teams continue to work toward a solution. No ETA or further details are available at this time, and this Alert will be updated once more information, updates, etc become available.
We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Thank you!"
Many of us have been trying everything and wanting information from others to try to resolve this. I asked you more than once to give me some information since you get a complete OSU in 20 to 30 seconds but you choose not to provide. It may be beneficial.
I ask one more time for the names of the 9 or 10 FI's you mentioned and whether any of them require 2 factor authentication.
Windows 11 (2 separate computers)..... Quicken Premier.. HAVE USED QUICKEN CONTINUOUSLY SINCE 1985.
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I just put it to a clock, and it's more like 1 minute 50 seconds, but far from the 5 minutes you're experiencing. I doubt that the actual FIs have much to do with your connections unless they're small Mom and Pop operations. Your log files will tell Quicken what they need to know if, in fact, it's a Quicken issue. But this is connecting to some large national banks with multiple accounts and credit card accounts, nine 529 accounts, watch list stock quotes. Some require two factor authorization. I've never had an OSU last 5 minutes…20+ year user.