Quicken losing transactions and memorized payees (and probably other data)

For many months I've been perplexed why payees occasionally disappear from the memorized payees list. I'm talking about payees I use at least 3-4 times per week like Walmart. The delete after 3 months setting is de-checked, not that it is relevant in this case.
Last night, after reconciling the checking statement with Quicken, I realized the database is missing numerous mortgage transactions; the first quarter and most recent one are gone. After comparing the current database to a backup taken in April, I clearly identified numerous transactions (beyond mortgage payments) are missing in my current dataset. Validation and super validation report no errors. It explains why every time I reconcile with my checking statement, the beginning balance never matches the ending balance from the previous month…and Quicken has to enter an adjustment transaction to fill the void. I am so screwed…I have transactions going back to 2/2021 and it will take months to rebuild that dataset. The data file is 100 MB (tiny for a database).
Today, I called Quicken support to report the problem. Lucky me, I got an agent who had a 30% command of the English language and kept saying "I don't know". I'm very technical and oversee a full-stack development team, so I know a little bit about databases and data storage. This support person spoke non-technical gibberish and was clueless on everything.
I need help here. My preference is to maintain a complete history of my Quicken transactions, not laboriously create a new database for a limited time period and have to open a second database to do historical reporting. Besides, it throws annual budgeting out the window.
Is there a way to see the raw data to see if the transaction records are present? Is there any other option to fix this than recreating my dataset and banking integrations?
Support said the 100MB data file is too big and is the reason for the missing transactions <corruption>. So, is the rep telling me the Quicken database is antiquated to circa dBase??? Speechless…
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Well since my file reports in Windows as 205 MB and Quicken reports the internal QDF portion is 124 MB (Help Shift-click About Quicken) and I have no corruption history, , I'd say you were told wrong. But yes, the Quicken database is antiquated - circa mid 1990s or earlier. May raw data goes back to 1991 with a few spurious prior dated transactions.
Is there a way to see the raw data to see if the transaction records are present?
My approach — keep things as simple as possible. No attachments, no mobile, no cloud synch. There are a whole bunch of bells and whistles I completely avoid. Backup often (every time) though I very rarely access a backup.