Reminder do NOT automatically transfer to savings goals-- are they really supposed to?

Turtle-Man Quicken Windows 2017 Member

I am a new user, running version R52.28 Build

I set up a "Reminder" to transfer funds from my checking account into my savings goal on a certain day. Then I came back after that day to see what happened. In the savings goal, it showed up as "Overdue". I double-clicked the transaction, and then it actually happened. All the other posts I had read about how to schedule savings into my goals led me to expect the transfer to happen automatically, i.e. all by itself with no further input from me.

So my question is, was that really the way it's supposed to work, or am I doing something wrong?


  • Turtle-Man
    Turtle-Man Quicken Windows 2017 Member

    Missing keystroke ('s') in that subject line, and I can't edit it…

  • Turtle-Man
    Turtle-Man Quicken Windows 2017 Member

    Ok, so I just got off the phone with Quicken support. What I observed is indeed the way they intended it to work. Contrary to what some other postings led me to expect, Reminders really are just that—reminders. They are not scheduled transfers. You have to double click on the reminder to make the transfer to the saving goal actually happen.

    There is no mechanism in Quicken that will make the transfer to a savings goal happen on a future date without further manual intervention.

    That's not the solution I was looking for. I suspect it's not the solution other people were looking for who asked similar questions with different words. But if you see this, at least now you know how it works.

  • GeoffG
    GeoffG Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Cannot speak to Q support, but your expectations for savings goal reminders are absolutely possible as I have auto transfers to and from savings goals on autopilot.

    The reminders need to be transfer reminders as illustrated below.

    Also note the reminders are set to auto enter 0 days in advance. They hit the register as intended.

    Let me know if you have any questions setting the reminders up.

  • Turtle-Man
    Turtle-Man Quicken Windows 2017 Member


    If only the support staff knew as much about the product as the users! The key detail I was missing is that, under "Optional Settings", by default it says to be reminded 3 days in advance. That little "change" link doesn't just change how many days in advance I will be reminded. If I actually click the link, I can change the behavior from being reminded to being executed automatically. That was not obvious.


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