Register entry problem

Register has an entry that I can't cancel or edit, when I try, Quicken tells me it can't.
Does anyone know of this problem and how to solve it?
Thank you
what kind of account? Can you post a screen shot of the transaction so we can see what might be wrong with it? How are you trying to delete it? Was it the exact error message.
I'm staying on Quicken 2013 Premier for Windows.
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I'm using built # The entry is on my bank checking account, it is a skeduled pay entry for 8/10/2023 that I want to cancel and when I try, it tells me "Could not delete idem"
Sorry about sending a picture but I do not know how, if you can direct me, I will comply.
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The first troubleshooting step I'd try is to run Validate and/or Super Validate on the data file and see if it notes the transaction as a damaged transaction.
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I have run Validate and the entry does not not show as damaged. I'm including a picture.
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For this image of a faucet, I guess, you'll have to call a plumber … 😀
Please try again attaching the desired image.
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Sorry for the gaff.