When Fidelity downloads RERGX transactions, Quicken shows it as a RERFX transaction. Is this a Fidelity problem or a Quicken problem?
Hard to say. Maybe even a user problem. Somewhere along the line, a mismatch has been generated ans accepted.
Do you have both securities in your Quicken file? Make sure you do with the correct ticker assigned to each security. (That assumes you actually owned one at one time and now own the other.) Further, I assume you have corrected all prior transactions to reflect the correct security.
Make sure you have a current backup file to restore, just in case!
Edit the security details for each and uncheck the Matched with online security for each. You might get by with just unchecking the box for the RERFX but I would clear the box for both to get the cleanest reset.)
With your next download, you should get the opportunity to rematch the unmatched securities which should clear the issue. .
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Thanks. RERGX wasn't in my security list, so I added it. Will see if that works.
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I suspect you will also need to do the other points I made (edited).
Edit the security details
for eachand uncheck the Matched with online securityfor each. You might get by with just unchecking the boxfor the RERFXbut I would clear the box for both to get the cleanest reset.)With your next download, you should get the opportunity to rematch the unmatched securities which should clear the issue.