Creating a budget in Quicken (Classic Premier) on Windows 11
Best Answer
Independent of the Budget setup, there is an Alerts Center available (Tools / Alert Center) where you can set up for different alert formats if your monthly expenses in a category exceed a user supplied limit. Thus you could have the budget set up for $100 per month and have the alert kick in at $75 for the month. Lots of other Alert possibility if you're interested.
If you want to see it on a continuous basis create custom view and add budget to it
Select budget items to be displayed and you will see status continously if you select this particular view as your main view
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Independent of the Budget setup, there is an Alerts Center available (Tools / Alert Center) where you can set up for different alert formats if your monthly expenses in a category exceed a user supplied limit. Thus you could have the budget set up for $100 per month and have the alert kick in at $75 for the month. Lots of other Alert possibility if you're interested.
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Maybe I should create a new post for these next two questions and I will if suggested.
1, Meanwhile, does budget rollover work and when should I use it? Is there a way to set it for all categories at once?
2. Under the Budget Amount Options (gear icon) for a category, what is the default setting?
Thank you