Data file bloat. Maybe good news for those experiencing it.

I posted the following over a year ago:
>For the last six months or so I've been watching my data file grow by an unreasonable amount every time I close it. This happens even if I only enter a single transaction in a checking account and nothing is downloaded to any other account. Pretty quickly the file grows by a megabyte. My data file is not on the cloud and mobile sync is off. Does anyone else watch their file size and notice this?<
My data file would grow about 100k to 300K after entering a few transactions (maybe 10 or so). File size is now 331mb and 109mb compressed with about 95,000 transactions since 1989.
The good news is that since upgrading to 7.3.2 it appears to have stopped growing. For the first time in years the file has remained the same size for the past week whereas before it would have grown by about a megabyte in that time. I've been entering the usual number of transactions. I know it's only been a week but it's very encouraging. I sent a feedback message to the developers to let them know my experience with a thank you. Hopefully it doesn't start growing again.