RE: UPDATE 11/27/23 Unable to open data file/file password not working in Quicken for Windows
Per the post in the title, here are my results.
I tried the suggested update but it did not fix the problem with OneDrive.
The first time it opened it ok. The 2nd time it failed. I thought I might have made a typo in my password so I continued to open and close the file repeatedly, carefully checking the password each time.
It opened the file ok for 3 times, but the 4th time it failed. I'm sure the password was correct this time.
As requested, the path to my data file is: C:\Users\MyUserName\OneDrive\Documents\Quicken
I tried the patch too.
The patch was installed exactly as directed.
Had no effect on my inability to open the Quicken file. The path is essentially: C:\Users\scott\OneDrive\Documents\Family\Common Files\Quicken
One user stated pausing OneDrive was helpful. This has turned out to be most helpful. I have to take special care to always resync carefully.
0 -
In case it helps, here are the entries from the qw.log file. They are unique to the file will not open condition. They do not occur when OneDrive is paused, and the file opens cleanly.
Wed Nov 29 21:04:57 2023
Process id : 3128 Thread id : 9412 : Time 21:05:02 : DbC EnsureViolation '(((HRESULT)0x80030050L) == hr) || (((HRESULT)0x80030002L) == hr)' in QWRootStorage_RawOpen (utilstorage.cpp @ line # 248.)
Process id : 3128 Thread id : 9412 : Time 21:05:02 : DbC EnsureViolation 'itrDataBase != g_udtDatabases.end()' in QWStorage_StreamOpen (utilstorage.cpp @ line # 773.)
Process id : 3128 Thread id : 9412 : Time 21:05:08 : DbC PreconditionViolation 'pDB != 0 && resourceType < GetNumResourceTypes() && pResource != 0 && !IsResourceVariableSize(resourceType) && pRsrcSpec != 0' in QDBGetResource (qdb.c @ line # 1749.)
Process id : 3128 Thread id : 9412 : Time 21:05:08 : DbC PreconditionViolation 'pDB != 0 && resourceType < GetNumResourceTypes() && pResource != 0 && !IsResourceVariableSize(resourceType) && pRsrcSpec != 0' in QDBPutResource (qdb.c @ line # 1822.)0