Investment report - inaccurate R53.17 (Q Win Canada)

spiky Member ✭✭
edited December 2023 in Reports (Windows)

All of the investment report are inaccurate.

1) On the Investment Income report, you cannot select the currency and you cannot select the Exchange rate. That report was one of the few reliable report in the previous release when dealing with different currencies and making short sales transactions.

2) 'Portfolio Value Report' includes the closed positions (transactions that are bought and sold in the pass). The Portfolio Value Report was (in the previous version) only and adequatelly reporting the open position. The closed positions should not be part of a Portfolio.

3) They so may error an inaccuracy that I cannot find way to produce the approriate report to the accountant.

4) If I produce a report, let say 'The Investment Income Report' and I compare it with other report i.e. Capital Gains Report or Income by Security Report, the results are not the same.

5) Is it possible to go back to the previous release?


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