Multiple Tags Feature Request (Q Mac)

JT66 Member
edited January 14 in Reports (Mac)

I cannot get reports to group and subtotal transactions the way I want. Let me try to explain.

I rent a house to four people and I want to track their individual rent payments. They usually pay the rent in the month that it is due. Sometimes someone pays early in the month before it is due. Sometimes someone is late and pays the rent a month after it is due. I want to track the rent for the month that it is due, not the month that they actually pay.

I have four tags for the four people: Aaron, Michelle, Charles, David.

I have 12 tags for the months of the year: 01Jan, 02Feb, . . . 11Nov, 12Dec.

Each rent payment transaction gets two tags: tenant name, month the payment is for

I have one report to see rents grouped by tenant name (I can see all of Aaron's payments together and subtotaled, I can see all of Michelle's payments together and subtotaled, etc.). I have another report to see rents grouped by month due (I can see all of January rent together and subtotaled, I can see all of February rent together and subtotaled, etc.).

I set up the tenant name report to show only the transactions that are tagged with the four tenants' names. What I want is a report something like this:

Tag Date Payee Amount

Michelle 1/1/23 Michelle $100

2/1/23 Michelle $100

Total Michelle $200

But, that's not what I get. What I get is something like this:

Tag Date Payee Amount

Michelle, 01Jan 1/1/23 Michelle $100

Michelle, 02Jan 2/1/23 Michelle $100

Instead of grouping and subtotaling by one of the tags (Michelle), it groups and subtotals by a combination of all the tags on the transaction (Michelle, 01Jan is treated like one tag).

This has no Michelle subtotal, because each "tag" has only one transaction.

I want a report that will grab all the transactions with a Michelle tag (regardless of any other tags that may be on the transaction) and group them all together and show me a Michelle subtotal. And grab all the transactions with a David tag (regardless of any other tags that may be on the transaction) and group them all together and show me a David subtotal.

My month report would grab all the transactions with a 01Jan tag (regardless of any other tags that may be on the transaction) and group them all together and show me a January subtotal. And grab all the transactions with a 02Feb tag (regardless of any other tags that may be on the transaction) and group them all together and show me a February subtotal.

Possible work-arounds I've tried and problems with them:

Use a report by month. The reality is that rent check transactions for a particular month happen in two (or, sometimes, rarely, 3 different months). So, a monthly subtotal is not accurate.

Use a report by Payee. Tenants sometimes receive rental assistance from other agencies. So, rent payments may come in 2 or 3 transactions with different payees for one tenant.

Use categories instead of tags. I use category "Rental Income." I could create subcategories with the tenant names, then use only one tag (for the month). Possible. But, then, other categories would need similar subcategories like "Security Deposit" or "Pet Deposit." This gets cumbersome for a problem that should be solved with tags.

Any chance we can get a report type that will group transactions by individual tags, regardless of other tags on the transactions? Thank you for your consideration.

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