Bill To field in Invoice screen does not populate

tivolo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

I know this has been asked before, but I've seen no solution so far and figured I'd ask again. When I'm creating an invoice and select a Customer from the dropdown, the "Bill To" field populates correctly with the customer's address info from my Customer List. However, the "Pay To" field does not populate from the "Ship-to" address list associated with that Customer nor does it show a dropdown option to select one of the "Ship-to" addresses.

I have discovered from Quicken documentation that, in the Pay To field, I can press the apostrophe key and it will copy the address info from the Bill To field (i.e. the Customer's address info) into the Pay To field. But, of course, what I want is MY business address in that field.

Anyone else experiencing this problem or find a solution? Thanks!



  • UKR
    UKR Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is it possible that you are confusing the actual usage of the Bill to and Ship to addresses?

    Bill to contains the customer's address. The customer invoice goes to this address.
    In some cases, the customer has an address for the Accounting department that differs from the address where the product is to be shipped to, e.g., a factory or warehouse address different from the company headquarters location. This different factory address goes into the Ship to field.

    Your business mailing address, i.e. what you call the Pay to field where you expect the customer to mail payment back to you, goes into the invoice's Company Address field and is printed as part of the Invoice header block. See Design Invoice Forms in the Business Menu or Business tab if you need to change your business address.

  • tivolo
    tivolo Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Hi @UKR — Thanks for the response. In attempting to better describe my issue, I stumbled across my own answer (albeit somewhat unsatisfying).

    On the printed invoice, I had no need for a "Ship To" field, so I attempted to repurpose it as a "Pay To" field, which contains my company's payment remittance info (e.g. PayPal/Venmo IDs, billing contact email, …). To that end, I changed the displayed text in the Form Designer from "SHIP TO" to "PAY TO." When I did this, I discovered that this change was also reflected on the Invoice data entry screen itself: the box that was previously labeled SHIP TO was now labeled PAY TO for me. When I saw this, I thought, "nice touch, Quicken Developers!"

    What I didn't realize at the time was that changing this label also broke the connection between the field on the Invoice form and the data in the Address Book. If the printed field in the Form Designer has the default label (SHIP TO), then picking a customer on the Invoice form will cause a dropdown to appear at the top of the SHIP TO box where I can select a Ship-to address from the Customer's Address Book record. But, after changing the label, the dropdown stops appearing. I had assumed the label was purely cosmetic, but it turns out Quicken uses this label to determine if the field should be linked to the Ship-to addresses in the Address Book.

    Admittedly, I'm misusing the system, but I wasn't expecting the link between the Invoice form and Address Book to be dependent on the label I put on a print template. Now that I know, I'll have to decide if I want to keep working as I am, move the payment info to the Comments field, or find another solution.

    Regardless, thanks for taking the time to respond!

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