incorrect account balance over time in report/graph section

BTBT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭
edited February 2024 in Reports (Windows)

Hello All,

Reposting this as I am still having the issue and my original post was closed with no notifications or comments back in April 4th 2023.


I did a few searches on the discussion board and didn’t find a similar topic so hopefully this isn’t a repeat.

I have a question about the ‘account balance over time’ report. I see that for an account of mine that the present account balance displayed in the ‘account balance over time’ report is not matching with the actual balance shown in the account itself. I investigated it and saw in the ‘account balance over time’ report that there was a huge jump in value at a certain date. So, I looked at the transaction register for that date and I see an entry for ‘StkSplit’ which converted 8 shares into 1 (reverse split).

This is the same month that the ‘Account Balance report’ jumps significantly (by a factor of 8), so it correlates the stock split with the inaccurate account balance over time calculation. The account balance in every other place (Holdings and Account Register) is correct for present day(both the number of shares and the market value). The account balance report is still incorrect to this day.

I would think that the account balance would just be an easy ‘number of shares’ * ‘share price’ for each of the ending time periods (monthly in this case). However, it seems like the account balance over time is not doing that. I looked in the configuration to see if I was missing something for the ‘StkSplit’ category, but I did not see anything for ‘StkSplit’ in ‘Categories’, or ‘Tags’.

If I go into the ‘Holdings’ section of the account overview I can select the day of the stock split and the day before in the ‘As of’ selection and the information about the stock price and the number of shares is correct for both days. Also the ‘Market Value’ is calculated correctly. So, I am not sure why the graph is showing this incorrect value.

Interestingly enough there was another reverse stock split in the last year and the calculation is performed correctly with no jump/change in the ‘account balance over time’.

The account balance over time report works fine for all of the other securities/accounts. I have tried to recreate the incorrect one a few times and still get the same wrong values being displayed.

Any ideas?



  • BTBT
    BTBT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Any ideas on what could be causing this?

  • q_lurker
    q_lurker Quicken Windows Subscription SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Any ideas? Not specifically. I’ll take your word for it that your day-before / day-after data is good. What before was figuratively 8 shares at $10 became 1 share at $80.

    Does the Security Detail view support that also as you toggle the Split Adjust check box?

    My step would be to delete the split transaction, check the Security Detail view behavior (split adjust should not do anything), and then re-enter the stock split transaction.

  • BTBT
    BTBT Quicken Windows Subscription Member ✭✭✭

    Hello Lurker,

    Thanks for your thoughts and ideas. You are correct with your figurative scenario. 8 shares at $10 becoming 1 share at $80.

    The Security View for the Price History:

    without Split Adjust it is correct. The stock price is accurately reflected.

    with Split Adjust it is also correct, The stock price is accurately reflected.

    I'll try deleting the split transaction and check the Security Detail view behavior. Thanks for the suggestion.

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