credit balance showing incorrectly on online balance
I am using quicken 7.4.2 on a Mac using OS 14.1.2. One of my credit cards (Citi card) has a credit balance of $1456, but in the online balance in the upper right hand corner it shows as -1456 and in the sidebar it shows as a minus (red). The running balance in the register is correct and shows the black credit balance. Another card (delta) has a credit balance that shows the credit balance in the side bar correctly as a black positive number. I tried to go in and correct the online balance but it wanted to add live balance adjustment of 0, and it didn't change anything. Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you Rick, you are right, a credit balance it not frequent😏. So the other card that correctly shows the credit balance is transmitting things differently then? It's just Citicard that has the problem. I thought maybe there was a way to get quicken to see it correctly but if it's on the other end then it's not an error that I am making.
Thank you!
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Thank you RickO, I guess I'll just live with it since it is an uncommon event. I think Quicken has more important things to fix. Thank you very much for your help.