Bug - No error message when report generation fails
I have many years of data inside Quicken and I generate many reports. I also have had to adjust and rearrange the way I store reports. There is a hard limit as to how many reports can be in one folder. Not sure why, but can this be increased or eliminated?
One problem I have had that was very frustrating until I tracked down the issue is that I would take a current report, make some changes and the save the report under a new name. However, when I returned to Quicken that new report was gone. This happened numerous times. By accident, I found the source of problem.
Quicken is hard coded to generate one unique report name no matter how many folders exist. I was trying to generate a report in Folder B with the same name as a report in Folder A. There was no error message saying 'Duplicate Report Name'. It just did not create the report. This goes against all established coding. Report names in Folder B have nothing to do with reports in Folder A. Now, if I try to move a report with the same name from B to A, there should be an error message.
A secondary nuance issue with the Report Center is the constant scrolling. For each folder, there is a drop-down icon. However, no matter how many times you close the folder to only show the folder name, the next time in, the drop-down is automatically activated and the entire list of reports is displayed. Constant scrolling.
While not a bug, but still on topic. Is there any reason why we cannot have report folders inside of report folders? I run several SP and LLCs in one file. A folder within folder would be great to organize the reports - especially with a hard-coded limit of only so many reports in one folder.
Win 11 Quicken R53.32