Vanguard Cash Plus Status??
I'm wondering if anyone has made any progress with the Vanguard Cash Plus account: @baehrtime @Shannon M M @Steven Alford
I think a higher interest rate account for "pulled" bill payng makes a lot of sense so I am trng to hang on. FWIW My current account is NOT a linked checking account. It shows a register cash balance equal to what Vanguard shows and the same amount as "cash" in the holdings tab. The online center similary shows the same correct cash balance and zero holdings. There is also a quicken security called VANGUARD CASH PLUS which shows interest payments each month as aninvestment income transaction categorized as _intinc. When a bill is paid it downloads a withdraw transaction as one would expect. ( dont recall to what exent it named the biller as I only have one setup so I knew what it should be and categorized it as such)
The prolem, however is that when it pays a bill it downloads the withdraw as a well as a sell transaction which if I leave it in results in a negative securty value. So what I am doing is just deleting those sell transacdtions and planning to do that going forward. Are others doing something different?
FWIW, I have made my account rep aware that cash plus just does not work correctly with Quicken and he has assured me that he passes this information on to the appropriate people/group at Vanguard. I called the cash plus assistance number once and that went nowhere. Hopefully others are doing the same.
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro
I have the same issues. I am going to try leaving the cash in the account and not buy any Cash Advance Shares and see if the cash will track properly.
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That sounds like pretty much the same approach I am taking. Fingers crossed, but hopefully some day Vanguard will fix it. BTW, I also noticed a new preference the other day to "never allow money funds to be treated as cash" or something to that effect. I have that option turned off.
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro
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I had a reminder set up for Jan22 for a bill pay for my Cash Plus brokerage account which I chose to enter today(Jan 19). No Joy as it never showed up in my cash plus register after I entered it. The bills and income (CTL-J) page properly updated to Feb 22 as it should as if it had been successfully entered.
I sent in a report with a sanitized data file in hopes that maybe someone will take a look.
Quicken Business & Personal Subscription, Windows 11 Pro