Stock Splits May be Missing - NOT

cruciverbalist Member ✭✭

I persistently am receiving this message, and no manner of manipulation seems to get rid of this warning. I have tried to cancel alone, to deselect and accept, to deselect and cancel and still the message persists. I have done each of these many times over the past month. I have already entered this split (as 20:1 not 1:0.05) and things are fine. I would prefer not to accept and then go back to delete this "split."

How can I get rid of this message?


  • q_lurker
    q_lurker SuperUser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I wish I knew. I had the same issue with one split for quite a while. The issue is not the 1:0.05 vs 20:1; it is the dates of 7/18 vs 7/20.

    It used to be that following the instruction to "Deselect … Then click OK." worked fine. The prompt would not re-appear. Now for some reason that instruction fails to stick and you (we) keep getting asked.

    The date difference seems to emanate from something like official effective date from the company and the date the brokerage records the event - sort of a trade date vs settlement date issue. The key as I see it is that you need the split date to match the change in the price history records. If your price data shows the GOOG price dropping on 7/20/22 from the 2000s to the 100s, you need the split dated 7/20/22. If the price drop is on the 18th (as mine is), then the split should be dated 7/18/22.

    For the stock I had with this recurring pop-up, I finally relented, accepted the offered date, and edited the intermediate prices accordingly.

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